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Criss Cross

Hide this beautiful St. Andrew's Cross in plain sight, almost anywhere in your home.

A standard Cross mounts 78" (6' 6") above the floor. You can build a taller Cross if you play with tall people who really like to be stretched out, or a shorter cross if that's a better fit. The Pedestal base is 14" square, and at the standard height is 46" tall.

Designed as a wall mounted cross, this piece of equipment supports up to 250 lbs.

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The Pedestal and Display Shelf make practical and attractive additions to your living space. When the mood strikes for play, you're just a few minutes away. Just remove the shelf to expose the Mounting Bar, roll the Pedestal upside down and unscrew 1 nut to disassemble the Pedestal, re-assemble it as a St. Andrew's Cross, and attach it to the Mounting Bar with 2 Hitch Pins.

For additional pictures see the Gallery page.

Converting from Pedestal to St. Andrew's Cross.

Criss Cross is easy to use. Click on the left and right arrows to see some examples!

The Pedestal disassembles by loosening a single wing-nut, with 4 sides of the column becoming the legs of the cross, and the steel plates making a sandwich to hold it all together.

Removing the plate shelf reveals the mounting bar. The cross is simply attached to the bar using hinges!